Tehillim 23 is one of the most famous Tehillim. It has brought comfort for generations to those in troubled times. The image of God taking care of you, as a Shepard takes care of his sheep. In this activity you are going to create a poem based on a situation in which God has taken care of you!
Read Tehillim 23 and think of a situation in your own life in which God came to your rescue and brought goodness to a seemingly bad situation.
Create a poem, it can be free verse or have a rhyming scheme, which describes how God came to your rescue and model it after the poetry of Tehillim 23. For example, you could have a verse in your poem like, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, the despair of losing my close friend…”
When you are finished, post it on Facebook or Instagram and tag us @BeholdEducation
Additional Resources:
Use the Tehillim Chooser app to find Tehillim to pray for your specific situation.