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Behold! Messianic Jewish Educations Lear

Our Discipleship to Yeshua Learning Map will guide kids on an exciting journey in learning to be a devoted disciple of the Master.


They will learn the teachings of Yeshua, important character traits of a disciple and gain inspiration from the history and great leaders of our faith.


Use this learning map and resources from our Community Resources Library to plan your family's religious education and your congregation/small group's children and youth programming.

Click a grade level topic below to display available resources from our Community Resources Library:

Discipleship to Yeshua Resources

Teachings of Yeshua and the Apostles

Pre-K: Be Humble and Servant Hearted*

Kindergarten: Forgiveness*

1st Grade: Prayer*

2nd Grade: What is the Messianic Era

Messianic Era Starts Small and Grows*

3rd Grade: Always Be Working Towards the Messianic Era*

4th Grade: Don't Just Look Righteous But Be Righteous*

5th Grade: Beatitudes*

6th Grade: Repent for the Messianic Era is Near

Coming Destruction, Exile and Final Redemption*

7th Grade: Higher Standard for Disciples of Yeshua

Consider the Cost of Discipleship*

8th Grade: Don't Focus on Accruing Wealth in this World But Work Towards Wealth In The World To Come*

9th Grade: In Depth Gospel Study: The Book of Matthew

Major Concepts in Our Faith: Divine Revelation (Torah), Exile, Redemption, Messiah

10th Grade: In Depth Gospel Study: The Book of Luke/Acts

Major Concepts In Our Faith: Israel and the Nations, Divine Providence

11th Grade: In Depth Gospel Study: The Book of John

Major Concepts In Our Faith: The Soul, Attaching to Yeshua, Chassidut, Resurrection

12th Grade: Selected Studies in the Apostolic Letters

Major Concepts In Our Faith: Community

*These topics have a supporting document which will give more details on what to teach each year: Teachings of the Master

Kingdom Work

Pre-K: Middot: Humility

Kindergarten: Middot: Compassion

1st Grade: Middot: Faith and Gratitude

2nd Grade: Raise Awareness of the Messianic Era

3rd Grade: Middot: Enthusiasm

4th Grade: Middot: Yirah

5th Grade: Making Disciples of Yeshua: Mentoring Younger Students

6th Grade: Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Bnei Noach Project

7th Grade: Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Bnei Noach Project

8th Grade: Middot: Generosity

9th Grade: Strengthening Your Spiritual Life: Tzedakah, Torah and Tefillah

10th Grade: Reconciliation: Jewish-Christian Relationships and Changing the Future

11th Grade: Why Are You Messianic?: Feeling Secure In Your Faith

12th Grade: Making Disciples of Yeshua: Mentoring and Teaching Others

Gospel, Apostolic and Modern History

Pre-K: Simple Biographies and Lessons from the Lives of Yeshua and the Disciples Connected To Everyday Life

Kindergarten: Simple Biographies and Lessons from the Lives of Yeshua and the Disciples Connected To Everyday Life

1st Grade: Gospel Stories: Zecharyah in the Temple to Yeshua as a Teenager at the Feet of the Sages^

2nd Grade: Gospel Stories: Yochanan the Immerser to Healing at the Pool of Beit-Chasda^

3rd Grade: Gospel Stories: Arrest of Yochanan the Immerser to Healing the Mute and Blind Man^

4th Grade: Gospel Stories: Calming the Storm to Healing the Blind Man^

5th Grade: Gospel Stories: Revealing the Fate of Suffering to Healing the Blind Men by the Road^

6th Grade: Gospel Stories: Yeshua Enters Jerusalem on a Donkey to Ascension^

7th Grade: Acts of the Apostles: Chapters 1-15

8th Grade: Acts of the Apostles: Chapters 16-28

9th Grade: The Development of the Gospels and Apostolic Scriptures

10th Grade: History of Modern Messianic Judaism

11th Grade: History of Jewish Spiritual Philosophy (Chassidus) From the 1st Century to Today

12th Grade: Paul's Missionary Journeys

Telling Your Own Story of Faith: Past and Future

^These topics have a supporting document which will give more details on what to teach each year: Journey Through The Gospels Timeline

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